The Chinese/English bilingual quarterly China Patents & Trademarks is an IP law publication
 sponsored by China Patent Agent (H.K.) Ltd. The journal commenced publication in April 1985
 and is published in Hong Kong for worldwide distribution.



Index (No.1-4/1988,Vol. 12-15)
Redouble Our Efforts to Further Advance Patent Work in China Gao Lulin 88.1 6
New Measures Adopted by China to Attract International Investment Chu Baotai 88.4 10
Patent Protection for Processes Tang Zongshun 88.1 25
Problems in Claims for Chemical Compounds    Liu Tongwen 88.1 30
Actions an Applicant May Take on His Own Initiative at the Application Stage of a Patent   Hao Qingfen 88.1 35
Protection of Industrial Property and Copyright in the Federal Republic of Germany (2)  Wolfgang Loseri 88.1 76
Essentials for the Drafting of U.S. Patent Specifications and Claims (Cont.)  James E. Armstr  88.1  82
An Analysis of Patent Applications in China Shen Yaozeng 88.2 7
The Practice of Foreign-related Patent Agency Lou Chuipin   88.2 18
China's Patent Law Affords Effective Protection to Inventions-Creations  Ma Lianyuan 88.2 22
A Preliminary Inquiry into the Definition of Invention -- The question of patentability viewed from a decision on a request for reexamination Yin Xintian 88.2 26
Prominent Differences British and Chinese Applicants Should Heed when Filing Patent Applications in Each Other's Country  Yang Kai 88.2 38
Progress in Patent Reexamination & Invalidation Zhao Yuanguo 88.2 59
How to Determine the Date of Public Disclosure in a Publication Luo Yanan 88.2 62
What is a Technical Solution? Zhao Chunshan  88.2  64
Essentials for the Drafting of U.S. Patent Specifications and Claims (Cont.) James E. Armstr 88.2 86
The Special 3-Diamensional Structure of the Claims and the Amendment Thereof in the Substantive Examination Yuan De 88.3  9
Patent Protection and Ways of Resolving Infringement Disputes Hu Zuochao 88.3 18
Speed up the Examination of Application from Abroad -- on cooperation between foreign applications/agents and Chinese agent  Wu Guanle 88.3 23
An Exploration into the Problems of Patent Litigation in China Liu Yonghai  88.3 28
Patent Documentation in China -- A Brief Introdution Guo Yuqi  88.3 46
The Scheme for the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet and Its Patentability as a Coding Method of Chinese Characters Wu Hongwei 88.3 64
Can Patent for Utility Model be Granted for A Movable Pierless Wire Bridge?  Zhang Shuhua 88.3  66
From What Date Should an Act of Infringement be Counted?  Wen Xikai 88.3 69
Essentials for the Drafting of U.S. Patent Specifications and Claims (Cont.)   James E. Armstr 88.3 83
Opinions on the Protection of Patent Right in the Chinese Patent Law and Technology Transfer Legislation Satoshi Nakejim 88.3  88
Heartening Results Achieved in Three Year's Implementation of the Chinese Patent Law Lu Guangcan 88.3 105
Introducing Potentgesetz by Dr. Rainer Schulte Shen Yaozeng 88.3 108
On the Claims in Patents for Computer-Related Inventions Zhang Jinghai 88.4 20
Problems Found in Examining Patent Applications for Invention from Foreign Countries Wang Bingzhong 88.4 24
Administrative Jurisdiction over Cases of Patent Dispute in China   Chi Shaojie 88.4 29
Questions in the Revision of the Chinese Patent Law Zheng Chengsi 88.4  55
Does the Mothod of Coding Chinese Characters According to Their Strokes Come under Rules and Methods for Mental Activities? Zhang Jingcheng 88.4 72
Patent Protection May Be Granted to Designs for Food Zhao Jiaxiang 88.4 73
Essentials for the Drafting of U.S. Patent Specifications and Claims (Concl.) James E. Armstr 88.4  86
Marketing in the United States -- What Foreign Manufacturers Need to Consider About the United States Patent Law Henry .D. Colem 88.4  90
Apropos of the Case of Jinhua Hams - Comments on the Question of Mutual Complementation in the Field of Intellectual Property in China  Wang Zhengfa 88.1 15
Change is Imperative for Chinese Classification of Goods to Which Trade Marks Applay Liu Li 88.1  40
Infringement of the "Steamer" Trademark Punished -- Instance of the Protection of the Exclusive Right to Use a Trademark in China  Yang Yexuan 88.1 42
An Important Step Towards a Better System of Trademark Law   Yang Jianli 88.2 13
The Use of a Trademark to Name a Pharmaceutical Product Constitutes Infringement--A Concrete Example  Xiao Zhiming 88.2  30
"Diamond" Trademark Dispute Resolved Using Trademark Law as Criterion Huang Yulian 88.2 32
Recent Revision of the Implementing Regulations Under the Chinese Trademark Law Zhou Chuanjie 88.3 34
How to Better Protect the Exclusive Right to Use a Trademark Liu Li 88.3 40
Problems in the Use of Trademarks by Chinese-Foreign Equity and Cooperative Joint Ventures   Yang Yexuan 88.4 34
Examples of Trademark Design---A Simple Analysis (I) Cai Dewang 88.4 41
Printing and Publishing in China and Foreign Countries and the Evolution of the Concept of Copyright (II)   Zheng Chengsi 88.1 47
Formulating a Copyright Law Suited to China's Realities Shen Rengan 88.2 44
An Overview of Copyright Protection in China Shen Rengan 88.4 49
Insights into the Detailed Rules for Implementing the Regulations on Administration of Technology Import Contracts Zhao Chunhua 88.2  49
Chinese Industrial Property Law and the Paris Convention Zhang Chunsheng 88.3  52
Import/Export Trade in Shanghai and Relevant Legal Problems   Xu Daquan 88.1 54
Legal and Administrative Regulation of the Technological Market of the State Chi Shaojie  88.1 60
China's Basic Policy in Technology Import Xie Yang'an 88.2 67
The Subject and Object of an International Licence Contract Cao Xianzhi 88.3 74
CCPIT Chairman Honoured by GFR President Our Corresponde 88.1  99
New Book on China's Industrial Property System Zhen Hua  88.1 101
China Industrial Technology Export Fair Held in Hong Kong Ren Wei 88.1 104
An Effective Demonstration of the Chinese Legal System Our Correspondent  88.1 106
China Technology Trade (Germany) Ltd. Established Our Correspondent 88.3 109

Sponsored by China Patent Agent(H.K.)Ltd.